Engage in group workshops that are custom designed to be experiential, highly interactive and generate transformational change. Workshops are centered around your goals and amplifying your success.
Understanding Yourself:
Understanding Others
Communication, personality preferences, values and motivation all have the power to drive a team’s effectiveness. In this workshop, participants will take and utilize the DiSC instrument to understand the nuances that can affect team performance. Learning outcomes from this workshop include:
- Understand the 4 personality styles (D, I, S C).
- Understand how the styles blend, clash and interact with each other.
- Learn to communicate more effectively by understanding the styles of others and adjusting accordingly.

Lead Like A Coach
When leaders coach they develop powerful leadership competencies that enable their team to perform more effectively. Leading like a coach goes beyond simply managing employees. This workshop focuses on the mindset, skills and structure to lead like a coach. Learning outcomes include:
- Learn the difference between a traditional manager and a coach leader.
- Explore and apply a coaching model.
- Understand the power of asking questions and listening.
- Action planning and follow-up.
Authentic Influence
The ability to influence others effectively and authentically is a fundamental leadership skill. On a daily-basis, leaders have to influence and gain buy-in from their team, as well as others (colleagues, customers, etc.). Savvy leaders know that influence is not simply about exerting power, it’s about cultivating effective relationships. Learning outcomes include:
- Explore influence styles, including your own.
- Cultivate support for your ideas while being open to other people’s views.
- Explore motives and interests as it relates to exercising influence.

Conflict: Friend Or Foe
Conflict is a normal and regular workplace occurrence. Recognizing moments of conflict and understanding your own relationship to it are just two key ways of handling it effectively. By taking a conflict style assessment before the workshop, we’ll examine how you and your team members respond to conflict. Learning outcomes include:
- Explore the language, thoughts and feelings associated with conflict.
- Learn the common ways in which people respond to conflict.
- Understand how the team as a whole tends to respond to conflict.
- Explore options for diffusing conflict triggers.
What’s Your Type
Sometimes relationships are strained because of personality differences and that drains results. Having a better understanding of your personality style, and a greater appreciation for others’, improves relationships and results. Learning outcomes include:
- Learn your Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI).
- Understand differences among personality types.
- Gain strategies for working with people of other personality types.
- Leverage the power of different personality types.